Our company

Colvar company is an enthusiastic and innovative team focused on cross-border trade, international logistics, maritime agency services and customs clearance.


Our team unites more than 10 professionals with experience from 5 to 25 years in the field of international trade and logistics.


High experience and network of partners allow us to provide the best products and services across jurisdictions.


We love to work and every new task is a fantastic opportunity to make our clients happier.


For the years we are providing customers with excellent quality, efficient and stable products, and high-quality service.

Some of our suppliers:

Maritime agency services


  • - wide network of marine services providers in China, Turkey, UAE and South Europe
  • - fast service, original spare parts, high quality ship repair
  • - delivery of bunker fuel
  • - provisions for the vessels
  • - supply of spare parts for diesel engines, gas engines, pumps, air compressors, turbochargers, oil cleaners and tabs, marine equipment for navigation and communications
  • - ship repair services and technical services